Monday, February 11, 2008

It Has Been A While...

So somehow January has completely gone by in the blink of an eye. Today is February 11th. I am still very much on track with my program and have now lost 37 pounds. I have also joined a very nice gym that I actually like going to. Although I have had my moments of weakness, the plan that I am remains manageable. Working out is really fun - hard to believe I actually just typed that. I think I was the last person on Earth that didn't know that resistance training is more important in a weight loss phase than cardio. There is so much to learn and it is all exciting.

My clothes are very loose on me. Jeans that used to barely fit (I used to have to lay flat on the bed just to button them up) now I can pull off without unbuttoning them. Most of my clothes is becoming that way. I will have to see a tailor or buy some interim clothes - oh darn! I have been able to wear a lot of the suits that I had completely grown out of too. I had a big meeting last October and was getting ready in the morning and went through four clean suits that were in dry cleaning bags before I found one that I could squeeze into. I couldn't even button the jacket. Today, all of the suits fit and are even getting big on me too. This kind of stuff keeps me motivated.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

On the Program

I admit I was a bit overwhelmed by the introduction of the program last night. After the meeting at the center I went home, made dinner, then read through all of the materials that they gave me, made a shopping list, and then went shopping. It was a late night and I am a bit tired today.

I amazed by how much food I actually get to eat each day. In fact, I am going to have a pretty big dinner with lots of fruits and veggies because I had difficulty squeezing them all in today. I am also taking some of the LA supplements. A vitamin and an appetite suppressant - both probably are very good ideas.

This morning on the scale I was down another pound, that is 5.5 pounds lost so far - very exciting!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Day 2

So I woke up this morning and got on the scale. This morning the scale said 296.5. For those of you keeping track, that is a 4.5 weight loss in just one day. I got off and on the scale a couple of times, just to be sure - yep, 4.5 pounds lighter than yesterday. This is very exciting and motivating! It is just past lunch time here and I am on track for the day. Tonight I go to the LA Weight Loss Center to get the rest of the details of the program and begin the actual plan. I am really excited about this new phase in my life!

Monday, November 5, 2007

It All Starts Today

Over the weekend I joined LA Weight Loss. It is something I have been thinking about doing for some time. It really came in focus though on my vacation to Hawaii when on the air plane in first class, the seat belt was not big enough to go around me. I had to ask for a seat belt extender. I was horrified. This was humiliating and I never want to have to go through that again. If I begin to falter on my diet or "life change plan," I promise to think back to that moment to motivate myself.

So I started today. I weighed in this morning at 301 pounds - it makes me sick to even write that big of a number and know that it applies to me, but I hope that this will motivate me and that number will finally start to go down.

I am on the two day cleansing part of the program and then I start the regular diet. Nearing the end of the day, so far, so good. I have followed everything that was outlined.